ABAK Accountancy Office specializes in accounting and tax consultancy. Please contact us by phone, e-mail, submission form or visit the seat of our office in Łódź – it is open from Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

ABAK s.c.
Biuro Rachunkowo-Konsultacyjne
M. Sadoch, R. Sadoch – Czyżewska

91-341 Łódź, ul. Św. Teresy 91
tel/fax: 42 617 46 30
fax: 42 617 46 28

czynne pn-pt 9.00-17.00

Zobacz formularz zgłoszeniowy


ABAK s.c.

Biuro Rachunkowo-Konsultacyjne
M. Sadoch, R. Sadoch – Czyżewska

91-341 Łódź, ul. Św. Teresy 91
tel/fax: 42 617 46 30
fax: 42 617 46 28


Management of ABAK:

Full permissions for maintaining tax books and tax consultancy

Regina Sadoch-Czyżewska – lawyer
Marcin Sadoch – economist
Barbara Rudnicka – economist
Joanna Sadoch – economist