Price list of ABAK Accountancy Office
Prices of services in ABAK Accountancy Office are determined and consulted individually with our Client before signing the Agreement on providing tax and accounting services.
Prices for our accounting and tax consultancy services depend on: type of the record, range of commissioned services and legal form. Another relevant factor is the scale of the commercial activity carried out by the Client; it is connected with employment numbers, the number of documents generated by the Client and the number of received foreign documents.
We offer discounts for entrepreneurs who are starting commercial activities, as well as consultancy on issues related to registration of the company.
In order to contact ABAK Accountancy Office, please fill in our submission form or visit our office in Łódź.
ABAK s.c.
Biuro Rachunkowo-Konsultacyjne
M. Sadoch, R. Sadoch – Czyżewska
91-341 Łódź, ul. Św. Teresy 91
tel/fax: 42 617 46 30
fax: 42 617 46 28
e-mail: abak@finn.pl
Ciekawe linki:
Management of ABAK:
Full permissions for maintaining tax books and tax consultancy
- Regina Sadoch-Czyżewska – lawyer
- Marcin Sadoch – economist
- Barbara Rudnicka – economist
- Joanna Sadoch – economist