Tax Consultancy in Łódź
ABAK Accountancy Office in Łódź provides tax consultancy services. Our offer in that area includes:
- information concerning changes in tax regulations,
- tax opinions,
- consultations on tax,
- continuous tax surveillance,
- tax analysis on planned undertakings,
- tax optimization,
- documents and appeals on tax issues.
ABAK s.c.
Biuro Rachunkowo-Konsultacyjne
M. Sadoch, R. Sadoch – Czyżewska
91-341 Łódź, ul. Św. Teresy 91
tel/fax: 42 617 46 30
fax: 42 617 46 28
e-mail: abak@finn.pl
Ciekawe linki:
Management of ABAK:
Full permissions for maintaining tax books and tax consultancy
- Regina Sadoch-Czyżewska – lawyer
- Marcin Sadoch – economist
- Barbara Rudnicka – economist
- Joanna Sadoch – economist